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Bunch Rides - IntermediaTE
Every Saturday 8am, across the road from Lime Cafe
No Fee
Join a bunch of RATS for a friendly, relaxed RATS bunch ride! We meet every Saturday morning at 8.00 am (unless its pouring with rain) across the road from Lime Cafe in Rotorua, on the footpath. Look out for the RATS jerseys!
What you need to know:
– Bring your own bike, meet across the road from Lime cafe at 8.00am and return to Lime cafe at 11.00 a.m.
– Bring cash/card for coffee and cake at Lime cafe afterwards!
– A ride leader and route is determined on the day, and head count taken
– Rides are 3 hours and between 60km – 80km – depending on the amount of hill climbs
– No one is left behind, those that get to the top of the hill first loop and pick up those still climbing
– There will always be options to turn back earlier – just shout out either before or during the ride
And the obligatory safety stuff…
– Check the weather forecast and come prepared with enough layers of clothing and a spare top/jacket
– Bring some bike tools, at a minimum, a spare tube, pump, tire levers
– Bring a drink bottle, or two, and some food, even if you don’t think you’ll need it, pack it anyway!
– Wear a good fitting cycle helmet, firmly done up around the chin strap and tightened at the back
– Wear bright clothing, preferably a high viz jersey or jacket – we all do it, you wont look out of place!
– Use a front white light and rear red light; and make sure they are charged the night before
– Always ride to the far left and either on or to the left of the white line where possible
– Please, no earphones, we want everyone to hear the traffic coming up behind them
– Ride single file on all main roads, or any road where there is traffic
– Point down at the road if there is glass or other obstruction on the tarmac; to alert riders behind you
– Use hand signals if you are stopping or turning, to alert riders behind you of your intention
– Please check every intersection yourself, do not rely on someone telling you it is clear
– We would prefer that riders to not yell out ‘clear’ at an intersection, we want everyone to look left and right
– Refresh yourself on the road rules here NZTA website
– Please ensure you have the phone number of someone on the ride programmed in your phone
– Overall, please ensure you are comfortable on your bike and that it has been maintained, before the ride
– If you haven’t been on a bunch ride before, tell us before we set off, we want everyone to feel comfortable
– If you decide to turn back early or shorten your ride, please let someone know before you take off
– There may be others who wish to turn back early too, so you can ride back together
– If you wish to lengthen your ride, ride to Lime and home again before and after the bunch ride!
Possible Bunch Ride Routes
Route 1 – 42km – Around the Lake
From Lime; left onto Fenton; left at Pak n Save lights ; left down Vaughans Road; left onto Te Ngae Road; cycle past Airport; left at Hamurana Road; left at Clayton Road lights following Lake Road until the end; left at Whakaue Street and back down to Lime Cafe.
Route 2 – 50km – Around the Lake plus Te Waerenga, Jackson and Central
Follow Route 1 above but around half way along Hamurana Rd turn right up Te Waerenga Rd; at the end of Te Waerenga, cross over and turn left into Jackson Rd; at the end turn left into Central Rd; then right onto Hamurana Road through Ngongotaha and continue following Route 1 back to Lime Cafe.
Route 3 – 55km – Around the Lake plus Te Waerenga and Penny
Follow Route 2 above but at the top of Te Waerenga turn right into Penny Rd; then left on to Kaharoa Rd; then left on to Tauranga Direct Rd; right into Jackson Rd then continue following Route 2 back to Lime Cafe.
Route 4 – 85km – Around the Lake plus Mamaku and Dansey
Follow Route 3 above but at Central Rd turn right and head up; carefully cross the main highway into Maraeroa Rd; through Mamaku turn left into Dansey; carefully cross SH5 into Western Road Rd passing the Agrodomme (on your right); at Hamurana Rd turn right; continue following Route 1 to Lime Cafe.
Route 5 – 95km – Around the Lake plus Paradise Valley
Follow Route 4 to SH5; turn right onto SH5; cycle past the Agrodomme (on your left); right into Paradise Valley Road; left into Clayton Road; through the lights at the bottom of Clayton onto Lake Road then continue following Route 4 back to Lime Cafe.
Route 6 – 48km – Tumunui, Corbett, Rehi, Waikaukau, Bryce
From Lime; left onto Fenton towards Taupo; at Waipa MTB entrance follow the cycle path south; at Tumunui Rd, carefully cross SH5 into Tumunui; right into Corbett; right into Rehi; right into Waikauakau; right into Bryce; carefully cross right onto SH30; veer left onto SH5; back to Lime Cafe.
Route 7 – 60km – Tumunui, Corbett, Rehi, Whirinaki, Waikaukau, Bryce
Follow Route 6 until the end of Corbett; then left into Rehi; right into Whirinaki Valley Rd; right into Waikaukau Rd; left into Bryce; continue following Route 6 back to Lime.
Route 8 – 70km – Corbett, Rehi, Whirinaki Valley Road, Totara, Poutakataka, Nicholson, Whirinaki Valley Road, Waikaukau, Bryce
Follow Route 6 down Corbett and Rehi; then left into Whirinaki Valley Rd; right into Totara Rd; right into Poutakataka Rd; right into Nicholson Rd; left into Whirinaki Valley Rd; right into Waikaukau Rd; left into Bryce Rd; continue following Route 7 back to Lime Cafe.
Route 9 – 85km – Corbett, Waikite Valley Road, Whirinaki Valley Road, Nicholson, SH30
Follow Route 6 until the very end of Corbett; right onto Waikite Valley Rd; right into Whirinaki Valley Rd; left into Nicholson; right onto SH30; veer left onto SH5, back to Lime Cafe.