Duathlon series

run | bike | run
Sunday 06 April, 04 May & 08 JuNE 2025

countdown to the 1st duathlon for 2025!


Event - Distances

Kids Course
(4-9 YRS)

Run: 800m
Bike: 2km
Run: 800m

Short course

Run: 1.6km
Bike: 4.5km
Run: 1.6km

Medium course
(11 + YRS)

Run: 1.5km
Bike: 9km
Run: 1.5km

(14+ Yrs)

Run: 3km
Bike: 14km
Run: 1.5km

Fees & registration

Series entry – Enter three events and pay for two.

Kids Course (4-9 years) – $10 members, $15 non-members

Short Course (10 – 13 years) – $15 members, $20 non-members

Medium Course (11+) – $20 members, $25 non-members

Long Course (14+) – $25 members, $30 non-members

Late Registration incurs a charge of $10.


course mapS (TBC)

UP TO 9YRS KIDS COURSE: First Leg: Run (700m): Exit transition run towards carpark footpath, run across reserve and driveway to other side of carpark, complete one clockwise circuit of the carpark footpath back to T transition (700m run). Second Leg: Bike (2km): Exit transition, mount bike towards the back of the cafe and enter Te Pou koropu short track, exit trail at top of carpark at marshall point 2, cross the driveway and head up Windy Rd for 50m, turn right into EVS extention then ride 800m to the Windy Rd gate, dismount bike and enter transition (total 2km ride). Third Leg: Run: (700m): Exit transition, run towards carpark and complete one clockwise circut of the carpark footpath (total 700m run) FINISH!
INTERMEDIATE COURSE: First Leg: (Run): Exit transition behind toilets and cafe containers,into Te Pou Korupu trail, exit onto footpath, cross driveway run clockwise around carpark, back to transition to collect bike at T transition. Second Leg: (Bike) Exit transition through gate, mount bike and continue down Windy Rd, turn left into Te Pou Koropu Trail, continue until exit onto Lentil Rd, then right into Te Pou Koropu Return, cross Windy Rd into Te Pou Korupu extension trail and continue until reaching Windy Rd to complete first lap, cross Windy Road do a second lap of Te Pou Koropu Return and Forest Loop Te Pou Koropu, after second lap turn left down into exit into transition. Third Leg: (Run) exit transition run behind toilets and cafe containers, enter Te Pou Koropu trail, exit onto foot path, cross driveway and run clockwise around carpark back to T transition and FINISH
SENIOR/ LONG COURSE: First Leg: (Run): Exit transition behind toilets and cafe containers,into Te Pou Korupu trail, exit onto footpath, cross driveway up Windy Road until you reach the marshall point turn around, return to carpark, run clockwise around carpark, back to transition then complete a second lap before returning to collect bike at T transition. Second Leg: (Bike) Exit transition through gate, mount bike and continue down Lentil Rd, turn right into Tohunohi Trail, continue until exit onto Lentil Rd, cross road into Apumoana trail and continue until reaching Indirect Rd, continue into Apumoana extention then cross Indirect Rd into Mahana trail, continue until exiting onto Indirect Rd, turn right and continue down Direct Rd, turn left into Whaki trail, continue until exiting over Hill Rd, cross hill road into Whaki trail down shuttle pick up before turning left back up Lentil Road for a second lap of the long loop. Return to the shuttle pick up, turn right then dismount bike at gate to enter transition for third run leg. Third Leg: (Run) exit transition run behind toilets and cafe containers, enter Te Pou Koropu trail, exit onto foot path, cross driveway, up Windy Road until you reach the marshall point turnaround, return to carpark and run clockwise around carpark back to T transition and FINISH

race information

Frequent questions and answers

Register online or rock up on the day and register for your chosen race at the registration tent. Note: there is an additional $10 added to each on-the-day registration. 

TBC for 2025

KIDS COURSE: This is a run around the carpark footpath while the bike is on the Eagle v Shark extension. 

INTERMEDIATE COURSE: Begins with an in-and-out run up Windy Road and clockwise circuit of Tawa carpark (1km), followed by a MTB ride on all sections of the new Te Pou Koropu track.  Beautiful tracks and the perfect length ride for beginner, intermediate and experienced riders alike (8km).  The short course finishes with the same in-and-out run up Windy Road and back around Tawa carpark to finish.  This course will suit everyone!

SENIOR COURSE: Begins with a loop of the in-and-out run up Windy Road and clockwise run around the Tawa carpark (1.5km). The bike course identical to the Intermediate course but an extra lap (12km).  The race finishes with another in-and-out run up Windy Road and clockwise run around Tawa carpark (once lap on this run leg – 1.5km).

REMEMBER: the forest is open to ALL users.  You will be sharing the tracks with weekend warriors.  BE COURTEOUS, you might be racing, but you still need to watch out for people in front of you, taking care not to knock anyone off.  If you want to pass someone, yell out “on your right!” then wait until they move to the left of the track and you have room to go around them.

All events have an off-road run, followed by a MTB ride, finished off with another off-road run. .

Kids: 800 m run | 2 km bike | 800 m run

Short course: 1.6 k run | 4.5 km bike | 800 m run

Intermediate course: 1.5 k run | 9 k bike | 1.5 k run

Long course: 3 k run |14 km bike | 1.5 k run

  • Registration opens at 8.30am.
  • Bike racking available from 8.30am.
  • Other time info available closer to the date
  • NOTE: each race will have its own bike transition area but please take care when entering and exiting to set up bike in transition not to get in the way of competitors racing.

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